- Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and A. Zijlstra (The University of Manchester) Acknowledgment: J. Barrington (Hubble's Hidden Treasures Competition)
- HUBBLESITE - Bipolar Planetary Nebula PN Hb 12
こちらは「カシオペヤ座」の惑星状星雲「PN Hb 12」、別名「ハッブル12」の姿です。
Butterfly? Hourglass?
— Hubble (@NASAHubble) April 11, 2023
Nope! This #HubbleClassic shows a star at the end of its life, casting off its outer layers.
The double-lobe structure was created as material funneled towards the poles of the star at the center.
Read more about "Hubble 12": https://t.co/0qxflVuemP pic.twitter.com/l9IAUbuH5j