Around 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor lies a rather peculiar looking galaxy, known as the Cartwheel galaxy. It was once a normal spiral galaxy that underwent a head-on interaction with a smaller companion galaxy several million years ago, giving it its signature cartwheel appearance. But there are other curious things about this object. Something interesting is taking place in the lower left corner of this image, captured in December 2021 with ESO’s New Technology Telescope (NTT): a supernova. Compare it with this image, taken in August 2014 by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) mounted on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), shows the galaxy before this supernova took place. This event, called SN2021afdx, is a type II supernova, which occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its evolution. Supernovae can cause a star to shine brighter than its entire host galaxy and can be visible to observers for months, or even years — a blink of an eye on astronomical timescales. Supernovae are one of the reasons astronomers say we are all made of stardust: they sprinkle the surrounding space with heavy elements forged by the progenitor star, which may end up being part of later generations of stars, the planets around them and life that may exist in those planets.  Detecting and studying these unpredictable events requires international collaboration. The first time SN2021afdx was spotted was in November 2021 by the ATLAS survey, and it was then followed up by ePESSTO+, the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects. ePESSTO+ is designed to study objects that are only in the night sky for very short periods of time, such as this supernova. It does this by using the EFOSC2 and SOFI instruments on the NTT, located at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. EFOSC2 not only took this beautiful image, but also spectra that allowed the PESSTO team to identify this event as a type II supernova. Links Comparison video alternating
ESOの新技術望遠鏡(NTT)が撮影した「車輪銀河」(Credit: ESO/Inserra et al.)
【▲ ESOの新技術望遠鏡(NTT)が撮影した「車輪銀河」(Credit: ESO/Inserra et al.)】

こちらは南天の「ちょうこくしつ座」の方向約5億光年先にある銀河「車輪銀河(Cartwheel galaxy)」です。車輪銀河はその名が示すように、中心部分を大きく取り囲むリング構造を持つ印象的な姿をしています。



【▲ ESOの「超大型望遠鏡(VLT)」で2014年8月に撮影された車輪銀河(左)と、2021年12月に撮影された同銀河(右)を並べたもの。リング構造の左下部分に超新星が出現していることがわかる(Credit: ESO/Inserra et al., Amram et al.)】


関連:存在が予測されていた「電子捕獲型超新星」ついに観測 国内アマチュア天文家も貢献


冒頭の画像はチリのラ・シヤ天文台にあるESOの「新技術望遠鏡」(NTT:New Technology Telescope、口径3.58m)によって撮影されたもので、ESOの今週の一枚として2022年3月7日付で公開されています。




  • Image Credit: ESO/Inserra et al.
  • ESO - Something new in the sky

